
When I first started teaching, I needed a blog or website for my students to refer to and learn from. I started posting notes from the class, but eventually started to posts articles about animators and artists that I admired and inspired me. Eventually I started contacting some of these people to see if I could interviewing them for my blog Animateducated.

I started a podcast where I invited a guest on and do an interview. The podcast evolved into a YouTube channel called Animateducated, pronounced animated educated. 

My first interview was with Author Mindy Johnson about her book "Ink& Paint: The Women of Walt Disney's Animation along with Animator Jane Baer about her involvement with Sleeping Beauty, Danny Devito and Roger Rabbit. 

I was able convert this interview and eventually the channel began to grow. I only have 493 subscribers as of this post, more viewers and subscribers are discovering the channel every day. I enjoy finding the guest to interview, but also have been posting helpful tutorial videos for my students. 

Just recently I have been posting a collection of pencil tests from features, TV series and commercials that I found or have worked on. Here's a pencil test and live action footage from a Froot Loops commercial.

Click this link, to visit the Animateducated YouTube channel.

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